Both fitness and boudoir are very vulnerable experiences. It’s an experience that makes them vulnerable in the beginning, but they come out the other side transformed.
Morgan, Fitness and Health Coach
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My clients run the whole gamut of fitness and confidence levels. For some, it’s simply about feeling better in their everyday life. It’s about the quality of life, the functionality and enjoyment. I think that’s what people get out of a boudoir photo shoot, too. It’s an experience that makes them vulnerable in the beginning, but they come out the other side transformed. And I love that in this setting, we haven’t physically changed anything about their body – we’re showing them how to work with what they have and reveal the most flattering, confident versions of their true self.
What I wish people knew about our team:
“People think that because I work in fitness that I’m tough, confident, and am going to look down on someone who isn’t in their peak physical condition. The reality is, I’m clumsy. I swear. I don’t judge. I am goofy. I love people – in all their shapes and personalities.